Impact KCK
Founded in 2015, Impact KCK is a collaborative program serving students experiencing homelessness in the Kansas City school districts.
Families Reached
Families Housed
Families Employed
How It Works
It All Starts With Schools
Our program starts in the Wyandotte County public schools. The federal McKinney-Vento Act requires all public school districts to collect and report data on students identified as homeless under the act. These students and their families are referred to Avenue of Life, and the Impact KCK program begins.
Complex Solution To A Complex Problem
Factors leading to housing instability are varied and complex. That’s why our services must cover a wide variety of domains, including: Housing, Employment, Income, Food, Childcare, Children’s Education, Adult Education, Healthcare Coverage, Life Skills, Family Relations, Mobility, Community Involvement/Social Support, Parenting Skills, Legal, Mental Health, and Safety.
A Long Term Relationship
When a family enters our Impact KCK program, it is the beginning of a long-term relationship. Our Navigators will continue to work with our families until their youngest child graduates high school.
After being referred to Avenue of Life, a family will meet with a Navigator. They'll discuss the families' current needs according to the Arizona Self Sufficiency matrix. The Navigator then sets goals with the family, and together they’ll begin working to overcome obstacles preventing the family from being stably housed. This entire process can take weeks or sometimes months. Throughout the process, the Navigator works with the family to ensure they have safe housing while completing the Impact KCK program.

We can’t do it alone.
We partner with over 90 different organizations through a collective impact model. These partners make the Impact KCK program possible. Click the link below to learn more about our amazing partners.
Impact Wednesdays
Typically a family experiencing housing instability would need to travel to multiple locations to access all the necessary services. Impact Wednesday brings the relevant services to a single place on a single day, ensuring that our families get the assistance they need.

Meaningful Impact
Among families that receive a permanent housing solution, 95% remain stably housed.
Impact KCK reduced student homelessness in KCKPS by more than 50% in less than three years (Aug 2015- Jan 2018)